Back in October of 2022, the new owners of the Hilton Garden Inn south of downtown Kalispell contacted us to discuss the installation of artwork in their newly renovated hotel! After an initial meeting, we created a collection that met three criteria:
Artists that the Hilton owners personally respond to
Artwork that coordinates with the new hotel aesthetic
Subjects that are connected to Montana themes

After an initial meeting, the FoR Fine Art team visited the Hilton Garden Inn to view the spaces and plan for the artwork placement — not an easy task without the walls painted or furniture in place!
The proposal included the usual business parlance as well as a list of the initial pieces of art going to the Garden Inn. The first phase of the proposal was made up of eleven Montana-themed mixed media pieces from Colorado artist JC Spock.

After the pieces were received, frames designed and built, and locks attached, the art was installed in the Hilton Garden Inn! This initial installation is one of three. Stay tuned for updates on the second and third phase!